Abortions in New Zealand rapidly increasing

In 2023, New Zealand saw a significant increase in abortion rates, with a total of 16,214 pre-born children reported to have been aborted. This marks an increase of 2,050 from 2022. The use of Early Medical Abortion (EMA) contributed to the rise, with 62% of the abortions involving a drug cocktail. Pro-life efforts are crucial to protect mothers and babies.

Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide: Second Anniversary

New Zealand has just reached the second anniversary of legalised euthanasia and assisted suicide, euphemistically called “assisted dying”. Data published on the Health New Zealand (Te Whatu Ora) website shows that 558 people had ended their lives prematurely at the conclusion of…

“Safe areas” have yet to be established outside abortion facilities

Application processes to implement “safe areas” are still under development according to the Ministry of Health.  As such, not one exclusion zone has been established around New Zealand abortion facilities since the passing of the law in March. According to…

Large pay outs for NZ health practitioners who provide euthanasia and assisted suicide

On Sunday 7 November, the End of Life Choice Act, 2019 will come into force and New Zealand patients will be able to request euthanasia and assisted suicide.  The lethal interventions will be generously funded by the tax payer. In…

3 things you can do right now in the wake of parliament passing the End of Life Choice Bill

By now you most likely have heard the news that a majority of politicians voted in favour of the End of Life Choice Bill on Wednesday night.  Needing 61 yeas to pass, 69 did so, while 51 stood up for true dignity…

New Zealand Parliament passes euthanasia bill, public referendum last hurdle

This article was originally published on LifeSiteNews. WELLINGTON, New Zealand, November 14, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – New Zealand’s parliament passed a highly contentious Bill legalising euthanasia and assisted suicide on Wednesday night.  The public will now be asked in a referendum…

Anniversary of assent of the Contraception, Sterilisation and Abortion Act

Today marks the 37th anniversary of the assent of the Contraception, Sterilisation and Abortion Act. On this day in 1977 our parliamentarians made law the "how to" of destroying innocent preborn children in their mothers wombs. The Act also put forward…