Abortion Procedures

WARNING: Graphic content

There are various abortion procedures that are used in New Zealand. An induced abortion is the direct and intentional ending of a living human being. The methods fall into two general categories – medical abortion and surgical abortion.

Medical Abortion

Medical abortions are an abortion procedure which uses drugs to end the life of the growing baby and therefore the pregnancy.

Early Medical Abortion (EMA)

Early Medical Abortions (EMA) take place in the first 63 days of pregnancy (nine weeks).  Pro-abortion activists liken the process to a “natural miscarriage”, however there is nothing natural about this interference to pregnancy.

Mifepristone (brand name Mifegyne) is given as a tablet. This blocks the effect of progesterone, a hormone needed to prepare and maintain a home for the embryo.  0-48 hours later Misoprostol (brand name Cytotec) is placed either in the vagina or in the mouth.  This is a prostaglandin which will start contractions and expel the child.  90% will have aborted within 6 hours of taking Cytotec.  Both tablets need to be taken at licensed premises.

Abortion Reversal

In the United States, physicians have had great success in reversing Early Medical Abortions after the first pill is taken with no deformities in the child after birth which can be attributed to the protocol.  FLI have the protocol if medical practitioners are interested in learning more.

This video, narrated by former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino explains the process of an early medical abortion, the effect it has on the developing baby and on the woman’s body.

Second Trimester Medical Abortion

For later abortions, an alternative to surgical abortion is to induce labour through the same process as an Early Medical Abortion. Usually higher dosages of drugs are given.  Both tablets must be taken at licensed premises, which may require an overnight stay.  Carried out between 13 and 27 weeks, this abortion procedure is also known as prostaglandin abortion.

Surgical Abortion

There are a number of surgical abortion methods used in New Zealand. These include Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA), Dilation and Curettage (D&C), Dilation and Evacuation (D&E) and Feticide.

Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA)

A Manual Vacuum Aspiration abortion may be used in the first 10 weeks after the woman’s last menstrual period. A large syringe is used to manually suck the embryo or fetus and pregnancy tissue from the womb.

Suction Dilation and Curettage

In a Suction D&C abortion, the woman’s cervix is dilated using instruments. A cannula (a hollow tube) is inserted into the womb and suction applied. The contents of the womb, including the embryo or fetus is sucked through the tube and the dismembered body collected in a jar. This takes about 1 to 3 minutes. The tube increases in size depending on the length of pregnancy (and therefore size of the pre-born baby). A curette (an instrument that has a sharp knife-like hoop on the end) is then used to scrape the lining of the womb and ensure that nothing is left behind. Forceps may be used to remove larger body parts.

This video, narrated by former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino explains the process of a suction dilation and curretage abortion.

Dilation and Evacuation (D&E)

A Dilation and Evacuation (D&E) abortion is similar to a Suction D & C abortion, however, as the procedure is for pregnancies between 13 and 23 weeks, the fetus is too large to be sucked down the cannula (tube).  Instead, after dilating the cervix, and suctioning out the amniotic fluid, the abortionist will remove the pre-born child by blindly tearing parts of the body away using forceps.  The head will be crushed in order for it to be more easily removed. Once the abortionist is satisfied all the larger body parts have been removed, a curette will be used to scrape the lining of the womb and ensure nothing is left behind.  This abortion procedure is also known as a D&E or dismemberment abortion.

This video, narrated by former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino explains the process of a Dilation and Evaculation (D&E) abortion.


Feticide is an abortion procedure used after 24 weeks. The mother is given Fetanyl IV (a short lasting narcotic sedative). Then fetanyl and lignocaine (an anaesthetic) are injected into the umbilical cord under ultrasound guidance. The purpose of this process is so the baby does not feel pain, however it is not always done. Next, an injection of lignocaine or potassium chloride is given straight into the pre-born baby’s heart to cause death. The injection into the heart is not always done.