Prayer: Day of Reparation for euthanasia

On Sunday 7 November 2021, euthanasia and assisted suicide will become legal in New Zealand. The End of Life Choice Act, 2019 permits terminally ill people who experience "unbearable suffering" to request to die at the hands of a health…

Candlelight Vigil for unborn a moving experience

More than 200 people attended the Candlelight Vigil for the Unborn held outside the Auckland Medical Aid Centre on Palm Sunday evening. Another 30 people gathered outside Wellington Regional Hospital. The Candlelight vigil is an annual event hosted by Family…

St John Paul II, Pope of the family

This last weekend was historic. It has been described as the day of 4 Popes. Pope Francis canonised two of his predecessors, Pope John XXIII and John Paul II, while Pope emeritus Benedict XVI was present.For us in the pro-life…