FLI launches new programme equipping and supporting Catholic men: ‘Men of Saint Joseph’

“The crisis of fatherhood which we are living through today constitutes the heart of the human crisis that is threatening us.”Pope Benedict XVI Fatherhood is an authentic expression of masculinity; men are made for it and called to it. Most…

Sexuality Education: 6 proactive tips for concerned parents

Sexuality education is an ever-present problem for concerned parents.  The growing tsunami of progressive sexual attitudes heightens the natural desire to protect our children’s innocence.  With so much happening, and very quickly, it can be difficult to know how to…

A true pastoral response: teaching the truth in love without fear

At a recent press conference for the Synod on the Family it was announced that one presenter, who was not to be named, had proposed that "language such as 'living in sin', 'intrinsically disordered', or 'contraceptive mentality' are not necessarily…