A Pro-life view of ‘Tolerance’

"Tolerance is the virtue of a man without convictions.” G. K. Chesterton (1874-1936) Something about ‘tolerance’ has always made me uncomfortable. I’ve long been aware that the loudest preachers of tolerance are the ones who are the most intolerant of…

The things we don’t know…

As I have been reviewing the literature related to life issues, one thing has struck me, how much we don’t know. Here I’m primarily talking about how ‘contraceptives’ work. And it is concerning just how comfortable people, especially pro-abortion people…

The Importance of Language in Changing the Culture

by Fr Shenan J. Boquet, President of Human Life International Reposted from HLI World Watch Fr. Shenan J. Boquet Fr. Shenan J. Boquet For forty-one years Human Life International has been engaged in building a Culture of Life through education…

The Global Sexual Revolution: Thoughts from Gabriele Kuby

Recently the Catholic World Report featured a very insightful interview with German sociologist Gabriele Kuby.  A convert to Catholicism, Gabriele speaks of the global sexual revolution and the impact it has had on society. Kuby recently published a book entitled…

Family First’s traditional family views deemed ‘controversial’

Family First is to be removed from the Charities Register weeks after the passing of the Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Bill because it has been deemed by the Charities Registration Board that their main purpose is political. The Board…

Contradicting the Value of Preborn Children

Last week tragedy struck a family who were pregnant with 32 week old twins.  One twin was found to have a congenital heart defect which for the parents was enough to warrant a death sentence.  The "procedure" was duly carried out and one…