Governments Support Same-Sex Marriage Despite Wide spread Opposition

On Tuesday, the UK Parliament voted for same-sex marriage,  with a count of 400 for the legislation and only 175 against.  There are still a number of votes to be held before it becomes law. Debate was strong in the…

Raise the Bar Instead of Offering Free Emergency Contraception

The announcement last week that Taranaki District Health Board subcommittee has accepted the stategy to provide the morning after pill (emergency contraception) free to children as young as 12 years old, is shocking, and irresponsible.  While, it has not become practice yet,…

Counties Manukau Considering Contraception and Abortion to Decrease Perinatal Mortality

Once again contraception and abortion are being hailed as the answer to problems involving families.  South Auckland has the highest rate of newborn and fetal death in the country at 13.1 deaths per 1000 births, whereas the rest of the country sits…