Family Life International NZ Team

The Family Life International NZ team is made up of many fantastic people throughout the country who are dedicated to defending human life from conception through to natural death and upholding the natural family within the context of Catholic morality.

Staff listed below are available to speak on a variety of pro-life and pro-family topics such as abortion contraception, assisted suicide and euthanasia, sex education, responding to the duty to defend life, and our work.  Please contact the office for more information or to request a speaker.

Dame Colleen Bayer
Dame Colleen Bay
er, DSG | National Director

Colleen established Family Life International NZ in 1992. Inspired by the late Fr Paul Marx (the great Apostle of Life, she realised the need for a pro-life, pro-family organisation in New Zealand which addressed all the life issues from natural conception through to natural death, was unashamedly Catholic, and would open its arms wide to every pregnant mother facing a crisis pregnancy, as well as the sick, disabled and elderly who` may find themselves a target for euthanasia-type practices.

Colleen has been married to her husband Terry for more than 40 years.  Together they have five children (four adopted, three of whom have special needs), and twelve grandchildren.  For many years Colleen and Terry fostered and provided respite for 27 children with various special needs, truly opening their hearts and their home to those who are most vulnerable in society today.  In the 20 years prior to establishing Family Life International, Colleen was actively involved in SPUC, Operation Rescue, and praying outside the abortion facilities.

In January 2013, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI named Colleen a Dame in the Order of St Gregory the Great, an honour for her pro-life work with mothers and babies in New Zealand.  Colleen accepted the honour on behalf of all those who work to save unborn babies and abortion-vulnerable mothers.

Colleen has her hand in every aspect of the organisation, directly working with the mothers served through our Gianna’s Choice Pregnancy Options and Support service, as well as ensuring that the mission of Family Life International NZ is carried out faithfully.

Fr Linus Clovis
Father Linus Clovis | Spiritual Director

Father Linus Clovis is a priest of the Archdiocese of Castries, St Lucia, in the West Indies where he is the Director of the Secretariat for Family and Life.  He is also the Spiritual Director of Family Life International NZ.

Father Clovis is an internationally sought after speaker on pro-life issues, Scripture, Mariology and on Catholic teaching in general.  He has many talks and homilies on CD and has published a book entitled A Biblical Search for the Church Christ Founded.  In 2003, Father Clovis led the resistance to the St Lucia Government’s surreptitious legalization of abortion.

Father Clovis visits New Zealand every year for varying lengths of time providing much-needed spiritual guidance and giving presentations throughout the country.

Michelle Kaufman
Michelle Kaufman |
Communication Director

The daughter of Colleen and Terry Bayer, Michelle has been immersed in the pro-life, pro-family apostolate all of her life. However, it was at the age of 14 that her real passion to be actively involved took hold.  Michelle has been with Family Life International NZ since its very first days and has experience working throughout the organisation.  With a primary teaching background, Michelle is passionate about educating on the various life issues and motivating people to action.  Her articles can be found on Family Life International NZ’s blog A Culture of Life as well as LifeSite and NZ Catholic.

Michelle is married to Brendan, who manages Family Life Catholic Gifts. Together, they have seven children.

Clare McClean | Gianna’s Choice and Wellington Office Co-Ordinator

Clare credits her initial interest in life, faith, and family to the example of her pro-life parents and, also, the enlightening explanation of Humanae Vitae she heard from Fr. Tom O’Connor S.M. in her youth.  Later, as a parent, she became more aware of the indifference and opposition to life throughout society.  Discovering the relatively new group Family Life International in the mid-1990s brought her joy, hope and a way to be involved in promoting the sanctity of life.

While home-schooling her youngest daughter, she began volunteering for Family Life International in Wellington.  Then, in October 2011 the John Paul II Centre for Life, Wellington was opened by Archbishop John Dew.  Since then, the work has intensified and grown.  Clare particularly enjoys contact with mothers and also the opportunities to share God’s plan for love and life with young people.

Clare is married to Ian, has three children and seven gorgeous grandchildren. She has a Bachelor of Social Work from Massey University and has been actively involved in her parish and community for many years.

In addition to being the nationwide Co-ordinator for Gianna’s Choice Pregnancy Options and Support, Clare also runs Theology of the Body classes for teens, a Divine Mercy Cenacle prayer group, Prayer Vigils outside Wellington Hospital and other events.  Clare works very closely with the Auckland team.